01767 686872 
The Case 
The client approached Landscope seeking advice about the potential for development of a 60 x 20 metre private riding arena and access track. The site lies in the open countryside where there is a presumption in planning policy against most types of new development. 
The client's long-helf aspiration was to secure planning permission for an arena to exercise and train her horses. Whilst she keeps her horses in paddocks at home, she was travelling to local arenas sometimes daily to do this, which was highly inconvenient and unsustainable. So she contacted Landscope to help understand her options for providing her own private riding arena at home. 
planning permission agricultural buildings Warwickshire
Our client's requirements, whilst entirely understandable, were also extremely complex and challenging in planning terms. There is a default presumption against new development in the countryside, where most new development, including equestrian and agricultural, requires strong justification and reasoning. 
Our Response 
Landscope prepared and submitted a comprehensive and compelling planning application seeking full planning permission for the constructuin of a new arena for private use and access track, to Buckinghamshire Council in May 2024. 
Green Belt Land Warwickshire
Warwickshire Green Belt Map
During the planning application process, we had extensive and regular discussions with the Planning Officer to identify any potential issues with the application. We identified that a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment would be required. Using a specialist, we were able to demonstrate that with the correct landscaping proposals, the development proposal could achieve a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) upplight of approximately 32%, more than the required minimum 10% increase. 
This case study shows the increase importance that BNG is playing in the planning process, even on smaller sites with little ecological value. With effective negotiation with the Planning Authority, planning permission was granted for the construction of the arena in July 2024. 
Ultimately, Landscope were able to take our client through each stage of the planning process from assessing the potential for a new private riding arena on undeveloped greenfield land; and successfully guiding the development proposals through the planning application. The client is looking forward to constructing the arena and getting as much as possible out of it in the near future. 
Landscaping Plan
Farmyard construction Warwickshire
What our client thought 
‘I have known the team at Landscope for some time now. Sam Franklin, Director, and Ian Taylor, Associate Planning Consultant at Landscope prepared a compelling submission, including a well-deisgned plan and justification to present the case for my riding arena in a strong light. As a result of Landscope's expertise, planning permission was granted for my riding arena in July. I have been really pleased with how Landscope handled the application.' 
If you have any rural-based development aspirations, whether it be new equestrian facilities, a new farmyard, new agricultural buildings or other rural-based uses of land, then please contact Sam Franklin or Ian Taylor at Landscope on 01767 686872 and we will be pleased to assist you. 
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