01767 686872 

Providing expert agricultural, environmental or equestrian advice and opinion, to build a strong legal case to support planning and property issues 

Getting planning right first time is always the best route for your development. However when applications are refused or unauthorised development is challenged by the Local Planning Authority the need for expert advice is greatest. 
When a planning application goes wrong or when enforcement action by councils occurs, you or your legal representatives may well require additional expert advice, support and representation to help turn the situation around. 
If your application has been refused, it may be appealed or resubmitted, with a stronger case built to support it and improve the outcome. Enforcement can be resolved, mitigated and offset to avoid legal action. 

At Landscope we are experienced in expert witness in a range of fields within Planning and Property Development/Management: 

Agriculture - agricultural tied dwellings, barn conversions, additional specialism in poultry production 
Development land - for housing and commercial uses 
Equestrian development, both commercial and domestic – equestrian tied dwellings, equestrian 
Facilities (stables, barns, maneges etc) 
Environmental resources – Agricultural Land Classification, EIA, soils, water management 
Compulsory purchase, including road, pipelines and cable 
Rights of way access 
Renewable energy proposals 

We can support and represent you, or your legal representative, in various ways: 

Preparation of case 
Written evidence 
Attendance at hearings, public inquiries, committees, parish councils and examination in public 
Presentation at planning hearings, public inquiries and arbitrations, subjected to cross examination in public 
Analysis of case and planning for resolution 

How can we help you? 

Call us on 01767 686872 or email enquiries@landscope.co.uk