01767 686872 
Huntingdonshire District Council has started a critical next stage phase of its new Local Plan development. The ‘Further Issues and Options’ consultation phase is now open and runs until 27th November 2024. 
The window of opportunity to landowners and their advisers is now open. The District Council is giving landowners the opportunity to comment on the Council’s long-term overall strategies and visions for the amount, type and most importantly, location of new development schemes. This current consultation will also deliver the Council’s assessment for the parcels of land nominated in last years’ Call for Sites exercise.  
Development land
Land within or close to existing towns and villages stands a reasonable chance of new development. This is a final opportunity to nominate land for future development before the Local Plan is drafted. Responses to the next stage will help inform the Council’s final vision, objectives, spatial strategy, planning policy framework and specific development management policies. But most importantly for you, it can provide the further opportunity to guide and direct future development opportunities which may comprise your land. 
Since the change in Government, local Councils such as Huntingdonshire, may need to significantly increase their house building targets and delivery. This may provide a further opportunity for the delivery of additional housing development in areas which have had overly restrictive policies applied. This is something which Landscope will continue to monitor with keen interest. 
Planning and development
As a planning consultancy, with first hand land promotion expertise, Landscope has a variety of ways of working with Landowners to fulfil the development potential, depending on circumstances. If you have land or property in Huntingdonshire District and would like to explore your options in terms of development of land and/or planning permission to maximise its value, then please do not hesitate to contact Sam Franklin, Director or Ian Taylor, Associate Planning Consultant on 01767 686872, to discuss how we can help. 
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