01767 686872 
With a strong history and many years’ experience in strategic planning, from developing the ideas and strategy right through to delivering it through the local planning authority and the planning system, we are creating a new blog series to share our thoughts on the 3 key areas we believe makes for great Planning & Development. 
Getting planning permission
Using these proven methods, we work closely with clients to ensure that they get the best solution for their land and property and maximise its development value. 
We have a track record of delivering well thought through, sustainable development sites – from larger scale housing through small village sites to single dwelling plots and barn conversions. Being accredited by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) means that we must meet their high standards of practice. Coupled with our rural surveying specialism, we understand rural and village community needs, so that new development contributes positively. As many of our clients are farmer landowners who have lived in these communities for generations and would like to remain so, this can be an important balance to strike. 
What’s more, we are recognised as experts in agriculture and equestrian by a number of LPAs and often work alongside the planning officers in an independent capacity to provide this expertise. A position which not only serves as proof of our ability but also gives us unique insight and insider knowledge when it comes to meeting LPA requirements and necessities. This understanding of the process is what sets us apart from planning consultants, particularly in rural areas. 
Planning Bedfordshire
We’re here to guide you all the way through the process, starting by looking at the potential for your property, your development aspirations and identifying the route to success. All whilst keeping in regular contact to keep you updated. In taking on responsibility for your development site, we will take the hassle out of the process for you and increase the chance of success. 
See how it could be beneficial to you too by contacting us and letting us know about your case. Get In Touch. 
Or follow our blog series in the new year as we share our insight to What Makes Great Planning! 
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