Time to Get Winter Ready!
Posted on 28th October 2021 at 22:10
Over the past few weeks, we, at Landscope, have been following our own advice - get your equestrian property ‘winter ready’! This year, more than ever, it’s important to get started early to make sure you’re not hit by any materials and equipment shortages. Dwindling supplies of timber, cement and roof tiles have affected the construction industry all year, now combined with HGV driver shortages, there is a clear need for planning ahead!

Here are a few things to check as we head into the chilly months:
If you have a wobbly post now, it will likely fall when the soil is wet so get it re-secured before it’s too late. Make sure your electric fences are live throughout – we don’t recommend touching them though. Invest a few pounds in a fence tester.

Leaks can get worse, especially with water expanding and contracting as it freezes and thaws. Make sure your troughs are water-tight and remain full enough so if there is a freeze, you have enough supply for a week. This should give you enough time to get it sorted. Check the insulation on any exposed pipework. Water may freeze inside the pipes which can cause a rupture and a leak if it’s not properly protected.

Drains and Gutters
A blocked gutter can cause all kinds of problems. Leaves, and sometimes birds’ nests, can cause surface run off which may damage your building. Regularly check that they are kept clear and in good condition. Ensure that the drains around your stables and yards are working well and have no blockages.

Feed Store
Make sure it’s protected against those pesky rats and mice! They will seek a lovely, warm, dry space with plenty of food for the colder months so give your store a good clean out and check feed bins for holes. Keep an eye out for signs of an infestation regularly.

Don’t forget, thinking ahead is best when it comes to Planning and Development for your property. The winter months are a good time to progress applications and get quotes from contractors, ready for the ground to dry out and improvements to your facilities to be made. At Landscope Land & Property we help our clients to improve land and buildings by assessing, recommending, and facilitating change through Planning & Development.
Tagged as: Equestrian planning, Planning and Development
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