01767 686872 
Client: Smallholder 
Location: Bedfordshire 
Permission: Smallholders Agricultural Barn 
We wanted a barn to store equipment in, so we could run a small farm from our fields. Without Landscope we would have really struggled. We met with Landscope consultants and talked through the options. As we had already chosen the barn, we knew exactly what we wanted and where we wanted to put it. Unfounded objections from near neighbours turned what should have been a straight forward application into a very difficult long drawn out ordeal. 
Sam really fought our corner with the planning officier and even managed to overturn the concerns of the agricultural adviser the council were using to assess our application. They also regularly updated us with the progress (or further delays!) and guided us and the application through the planning process. We were delighted with the result as they secured permission for our barn which is alowing us to start to build our farm 
Mr T Nursall, Bedfordshire 
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