Calling all development land and site owners in West Northamptonshire
Posted on 2nd April 2024 at 12:21
West Northamptonshire Council is due to begin a new consultation phase on the ‘Regulation 18 Preferred Options’ to kick off its new Local Plan. Recently-published Officer Reports indicate that the consultation is provisionally scheduled to run from 8th April until 2nd June 2024.
This will be the first draft of the new Local Plan for West Northamptonshire and contains the Council’s vision, objectives, spatial strategy, planning policy framework and specific development management policies. The draft Plan has already been informed by responses received to the Issues and Options document during the consultation in Spring 2022. It has also been informed by the new and updated evidence base that has been prepared including research on specific issues relating to housing, climate change and Biodiversity Net Gain, as well as emerging Council and regional strategies. Once adopted, this Local Plan will guide the overarching planning policies, broad location of new development and detailed planning policies until 2041.
If you have land or property in West Northamptonshire and would like to explore your options in terms of development of land and/or planning permission in order to maximise its value, then please do not hesitate to contact Ian Taylor, Associate Planning Consultant or Sam Franklin, Director on 01767 686872, to discuss how we can help you to meet your aspirations.
(Image: By G-13114 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
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