01767 686872 
The South Kesteven District Council has issued a public consultation phase, the next critical stage of its new Local Plan development (Regulation 18 of the Local Plan preparation). Landowners and their advisers have until it closes on 25th April 2024 to submit representations for consideration. At that point the window of opportunity will close. The Council is giving landowners the opportunity to comment on its draft LocaL Plan, which includes the opportunity to comment on the Council's draft planning policies, proposed development allocations and designations and the proposed settlement boundaries. It is also a final opportunity nominate parcels of land for future housing, commerical or community development opportunities. So if you have land on the edge of or in a settlement, this could be a significant opportunity to maximise the development potential of that land. 
(Image: By Grantham - Town Hall & Sir Isaac Newton statue by Colin Park) 
South Kesteven Local Plan Stamford
Responses to the next stage will help inform the Council's vision, objectives, spatial strategy, planning policy framework and specific development management policies. But most importantly for you, it provides a final opportunity to put forward land for future development opportunities. 
As a planning consultancy, with first hand land promotion expertise, Landscope has a variety of ways of working with Landowners to fulfil the development potential, depending on circumstances. If you have land or property in South Kesteven District and would like to explore your options in terms of development of land and/or planning permission in order to maximise its value, then please do not hesitate to contact Sam Franklin, Director, or Ian Taylor, Associate Planning Consultant on 01767 686872, to discuss how we can help. 
Development land
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